Sunday, August 5, 2012

UFC ON FOX 4 LIVE RESULTS: Penick's round by round coverage of "Shogun vs. Vera" event

By: Jamie Penick, MMATorch Editor-in-Chief

AUGUST 4, 2012

Link to Rich Hansen's Preliminary Card Report:

-Curt Menefee opens up the Fox broadcast, then they moved to a nice opening video package narrated by Ving Rhames to set the stage for tonight's broadcast. Menefee is joined by Randy Couture and Brian Stann on the desk in the arena, and they run down the fights coming during tonight's broadcast.

[Commercial Break]

-After break, they send down to Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan, who update viewers on the issues that have plagued Mike Swick in the last couple of years, keeping him out of action. We get the behind-the-scenes video packages instead of the typical PPV black and white talking head interviews. It's a great change from the norm.

[Commercial Break]


ROUND ONE: Swick engaged first from the outside, but Johnson blocked the attack. Swick connected on a big overhand right that rocked Johnson, but Johnson grabbed a clinch and recovered. Swick connected again with the right, but Johnson took that one better. Johnson backed Swick up and tried to unleash, but his attacks were blocked. Johnson landed a good right in close. They exchanged strikes. Johnson powered Swick down and got into his guard. He landed a hard elbow and tried to pass, but was held in guard. Johnson landed more strikes from the top. Swick kicked Johnson off and ate a couple strikes as he tried to get up. Swick started connecting on some big shots, then Johnson connected back as they just swung wildly at each other. Johnson then grabbed a clinch and took Swick down again. Johnson worked to the full mount. Swick tried to roll out, but Johnson stayed on him. Johnson landed a big elbow and several strikes. Johnson tried to take his back, but Swick managed to avoid that. Johnson then tried to set up for the D'Arce choke. He didn't have it locked on, and Swick survived, regaining guard. Johnson landed a couple of big elbows. He got in a couple more strikes before the round ended.

Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Johnson. Hectic, crazy, sloppy, fun first round there. Johnson's ground work and strikes landed standing took the round, but Swick hit him with some big shots.

ROUND TWO: Johnson was smiling to start the second round. Swick landed the first right. They traded punches. Swick landed a good counter left as Johnson missed a strike. Johnson was winging sloppy punches that were being swung aside. He threw a kick that was caught. Swick put him on his back, then knocked him out cold with a huge diving strike onto the ground. He added two unnecessary shots with him out cold. Herb Dean slow on the reaction. That's Swick's first win in over three years.

WINNER: Swick via KO at 1:20 of the second round

STAR RATING: (***-) That was really fun and violent, but really sloppy. Johnson was leaving himself open to those counter-punches all fight, and Swick pounced on the first opening he was given. It was a big, needed win for him, and in Johnson's case he put forth an entertaining fight, keeping his spot on the roster safe for now.

-Video packages hit for Jamie Varner and Joe Lauzon to set the stage for their bout.

[Commercial Break]


ROUND ONE: Varner looked to engage early, popping in and out with strikes that Lauzon mostly blocked. Varner landed a big left to the body and popped away. Varner landed a good body kick as Lauzon tried to engage. Varner rocked Lauzon with a big overhand right, but Lauzon recovered. Lauzon landed a couple of strikes in close and hurt Varner briefly with a knee. Varner connected on a short hook. Varner went for a flying knee but Lauzon blocked it. Lauzon connected on a couple of strikes. Varner landed a good body kick. He landed a couple more strikes. Varner connected on a few more that Lauzon tried to block. Lauzon landed a short combo that pressed Varner back. Varner slowed down, but he continued to attack as Lauzon came in. Lauzon landed a right. Varner knocked Lauzon down with a big punch and dropped into his guard. Lauzon tried to lock on an inverted armbar, but Varner got free. He ended the round with a couple of knees to the body as Lauzon went to a turtled position. Good round.

Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Varner. He was at risk of losing that one as he significantly slowed throughout the round, but the knockdown took it back for him. He's got to avoid fading here, though.

ROUND TWO: Lauzon moved forward to kick off the second round, but Varner looked to have recovered some of his energy. He landed a couple of early kicks as he circled on the outside. He threw a nice combo with a couple getting through. He landed a nice counter as Lauzon rushed in. He landed another overhand left. Varner landed a couple of jabs. He got in good leg kick that nearly tripped Lauzon. Lauzon continued to move forward, though. Varner landed a hard body punch and a good knee behind it. He landed an elbow in tight. Varner nearly tried a takedown, but didn't pursue it. Lauzon went for a takedown, but Varner grabbed for a guillotine. Lauzon escaped and went for a rear naked choke, but Varner stood up with him on his back and got free. Crazy exchange. Varner landed a nice left. He landed a hard combination again with Lauzon covering up. Varner connected on several more vicious body shots. He continued lighting Lauzon's body up. Lauzon rushed at him and got him to the ground. He started landing strikes on the ground, but Varner worked back to his feet. Lauzon held the clinch and tried to bring him back down. He got his back again on the ground and pulled him down. Varner defended the rear naked choke. Lauzon transitioned to the mount. Varner was clearly exhausted, but continued defending. Varner escaped and wound up on top. Ending the round with elbows.

Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Lauzon. He was getting out-struck massively the first three minutes of the round, but he turned it around in a big way on an exhausted Varner.

ROUND THREE: Action was halted early as Varner started without a mouthpiece. They restarted with Varner landing a couple of elbows. Lauzon shot in, but Varner held him off. Varner scored a takedown and put Lauzon on his back. He passed to half guard. Lauzon then swept him and got to his feet. Varner landed a big combination. They traded jabs. Varner threw a few hard elbows. He shot in again and scored another takedown, but Lauzon swept him. Varner rolled through and then Lauzon caught him in a triangle choke. Varner tried to fight it off, but Lauzon finished the choke and forced the tap. Holy hell, that was an awesome, awesome fight.

WINNER: Lauzon via submission (triangle choke) at 2:44 of the third round

STAR RATING: (****) That's an easy "Fight of the Year" candidate. The clear cardio issues will drag it down for some, but this was a more technically sound version of the famous Forrest Griffin-Stephan Bonnar back and forth on the first Ultimate Fighter Finale event. Varner was blasting Lauzon with power punches, but Lauzon stayed in there and worked in some fantastic grappling exchanges as well. That was just a fantastic fight, and exactly the type of thing the UFC wants to show off to fans on Fox.

-The video packages for Lyoto Machida and Ryan Bader air.

[Commercial Break]


ROUND ONE: Machida patiently took the center of the cage as Bader circled around the outside. Machida landed a quick side kick to the leg. Bader rushed in and ate a knee to the body, but connected on a few body punches of his own before backing out. Machida landed a fast, powerful kick to the body. Machida landed another hard knee as Bader tried to engage. The knee landed again, and it continued to keep Bader on the outside. Bader tried to run in with punches and Mahcida stepped aside. Machida started getting more comfortable and moved his hands around a bit. He landed a nice right as he side-stepped Bader again. Machida threw a couple of front kicks that Bader was able to block. Machida landed a nice right to the jaw with perfect timing. Bader missed another swinging right. He got tagged by another right from Machida. Machida landed a nice elbow as Bader got in close for a clinch. Machida separated and landed another straight kick. Machida went for a high kick but Bader was just out of range. Machida landed the short elbow in again, then another body kick. He got in one more punch before the round ended.

Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Machida. Not enough damage for a 10-8, but that was a dominant round for Machida. He's got Bader completely out-classed on the feet right now.

ROUND TWO: Machida landed a leg kick early. The crowd chanted loudly for Machida. Machida landed a hard right as Bader briefly clinched. Machida knocked Bader down and out with a huge right as Bader tried to rush in. That was only a matter of time. Machida's style was a nightmare for Bader.

WINNER: Machida via KO at 1:32 of the second round

STAR RATING: (**+) Fantastic performance from Machida. He was clearly the better fighter, had Bader out-classed on the feet, and ended the fight in spectacular fashion. I just can't see a loss to Dan Henderson and a win over Brandon Vera for Shogun making him leapfrog Machida here for the title shot.

[Commercial Break]

-Randy Couture and Brian Stann discuss the main event bout before throwing back down to Goldberg and Rogan to discuss the main event. Final video packages are next, and the main event comes after the break. They may be running over time tonight, as this main event is a five-rounder.


ROUND ONE: Vera threw a couple of early kicks to the body on Shogun. Shogun caught a kick from Vera and took him to the ground quickly. He dragged him from the cage as Vera tried to post up. Shogun tried to pass but Vera held him in half guard for a time. Shogun managed to edge to side control, but Vera made him work for it. Vera scrambled and Shogun grabbed for a guillotine. He landed a hard knee to the body, but Vera got to his feet and threw a couple of kicks high. Shogun grabbed a clinch. Vera grabbed for a guillotine and dropped down. Shogun finally worked out and landed an elbow in Vera's guard. Shogun landed a nice right and passed to half guard. Shogun landed some hard punches that hurt Vera, but Vera recovered and stopped the assault. Shogun again passed to side control. He got Vera's back and got both hooks in with 40 seconds left. He landed some strikes to the head, and Vera tried to defend. Shogun rode out the round in that position.

Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Shogun. Close to a 10-8, but not quite enough offensively from Shogun. Still, he controlled position the entire round, save for the guillotine attempt.

ROUND TWO: Shogun landed a trip kick to Vera, then landed a couple of hard strikes that hurt Vera. Vera was reeling on the cage and Shogun tried to tee off. Vera recovered enough to fire back and he survived the attack. He landed a hard elbow to Shogun that slowed him for a moment. They traded strikes and Vera landed a left. Vera landed a few strikes, ending with a body kick. He landed a kick to the thigh. Vera landed left, then Shogun hurt him with another right and went back to the knees. Shogun grabbed a headlock and brought Vera down. He landed some more strikes but Vera worked to his feet. Shogun landed two big punches. Shogun landed another right, then got hit by an elbow from Vera. They clinched and traded knees to the body. Vera then scored a takedown of his own. Vera landed some shoulder strikes, but he didn't look to advance further than that. He rode out the round on top.

Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Shogun. Vera did get in some good offense down the stretch, but I don't think it was enough to offset the damage he took early. Really close round though.

ROUND THREE: Vera rushed in early and landed a couple of strikes before initiating a clinch. Shogun turned him around and they traded knees on the cage. Vera separated with a knee but tumbled back a bit. Shogun walked him down and landed a couple of hard strikes. Vera landed a good thigh kick after some body punches. Shogun landed a good left. Shogun grabbed a headlock and landed a knee that dropped Vera down. We're officially at the overrun of the broadcast as well. The action stalled until Shogun stood and landed an uppercut and a knee on the ground. Vera got to his feet and landed a couple of nice strikes. Vera landed another combo. Shogun landed a hard right. Vera landed a big combo that sent Shogun to the cage. He went for a knee, then Shogun grabbed a clinch and scored a takedown. Shogun tried to move to mount, but Vera held on. Shogun landed some strikes in half guard. Shogun rode out the round on top.

Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Shogun. He's getting tired right now, but he's still ahead. Vera's getting more offense in as the fight wears on, but he's falling shy of what he needs to do here.

ROUND FOUR: Vera landed a hard body kick. He got clipped by a right as he walked in. He landed a couple kicks and a knee to the body. Shogun landed a hard left, then tried for another takedown, but got stuffed. Shogun landed a couple of nice knees. Vera tried to get in some knees, but Shogun had him out of position. The crowd got a little restless with the clinch. They traded a few strikes. Shogun landed a nice uppercut. They battled a bit in the clinch. They finally separated. Shogun landed a huge combination. Vera was hurt, Shogun dropped him with more strikes and finished him on the ground. Needed finish from Shogun after a grueling battle.

WINNER: Shogun via TKO at 4:09 of the fourth round

STAR RATING: (***-) Another good fight on this card, and one of Vera's gutsiest performances in years. He got hurt badly throughout the fight, but he was still coming back with strikes and landed some big shots on Shogun as well. It was a grueling affair as they were very tired by the fourth round, but Shogun pulled it out with a big finish when he needed it.

-Dana White comes in to announce the next 205 lb. challenger after Dan Henderson. White said Machida looked the most impressive tonight, and said he seemed like he had the fire inside him to get the shot and that he wants the title shot, and he's going to get the shot.

Keith Hackney Matt Hamill Volk Han Joachim Hansen Antoni Hardonk

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