In my time back I have re-lost 12 pounds and currently stand at 6'5 and 328 pounds of happy father. I finally spoke to Jeff about the best ways to lose healthy weight and it was like lighting a lightbulb above his head because he certainly didn't mind discussing a plan. After he took some time to recover from his bout with Johnny Eduardo and subsequent release from UFC we spoke at length about how I should attack my goals for fitness. I spend more than enough time on the treadmills at the gym already and have been badly neglecting classes - but I knew there was more I needed to know, and who better to ask than a guy who owns a gym, stays in shape and used to run a nutrition company? I knew it was the first step to finding my way into a healthy lifestyle and I could not have been more right.
As soon as Jeff and I started talking about caloric burn and empty calories I knew I had hit a home run. He taught me that your resting caloric burn is generally your weight in kilos multiplied in a simple equation to know how much you need to eat to maintain your current weight. It's simple enough math but when you realize that 500-1000 calories less per day amounts to 1-2 pounds a week things really come into focus. After our discussion he gave me contact information for a trainer who does strength training with many of the Team Curran pros and we decided to meet with him last week. As I walked in to meet Dave Davis for the first time in his speed center I was at least a little nervous, and toting both of my daughters with me.
My mind was racing, looking around me at all the strength related equipment - what kind of brute could be running this ship? Well boy did I feel silly when I met Dave who is one of the nicest guys you could ever come across and a very motivated trainer. We discussed options for frequency of visits and how he could also work up a program for me that I could memorize and do at Jeff's gym as well. Everything else aside his openness and willingness to work with my schedule was phenomenal. His center is a pretty cool place and actually gave me flashbacks to Brock Lesnar's prime time specials prior to his fight with Velasquez.
I'm finally on the necessary course for health and fitness to get in shape safely and healthily under the guidance of two very health savvy gentleman. It makes me wonder where I would be if I had never approached Jeff about weight loss in the first place - because I certainly wouldn't be this far down the path. People tend to consider MMA fighters as brutes who scream "Kill! Death! Murder!" but the fact is guys like Jeff Curran put that presumption to rest in quick fashion. He's not only a fighter searching for his path back to the UFC but a dedicated and motivated teacher and an extremely resourceful guy. Now I continue my quest towards health under the guidance of both Jeff and Dave while furthering my knowledge of MMA through learning the skills these men and women use in the cage.
Follow me on twitter - @BradMMATorch
Jeff Curran as well - @BigFrogBJJ
And Team Curran - @TeamCurranMMA
and last but not least Dave Davis and his speed center - @DavisSpeedCTR
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