Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ROUNDTABLE: Reactions to Alistair Overeem's explanation for elevated T/E ratio that led to license denial

What's your take on Alistair Overeem's contention that a prescribed "anti-inflammatory" led to his elevated T/E ratio?


It's a cop out no matter what. As an athlete, he needs to just take responsibility for what he was injected with, or what he injected himself with. Overeem and any athlete, of any sort, just need to accept responsibility and man up, just say "yes I took it." I'd have much more respect for an athlete that did the wrong thing and admitted it versus someone that blatantly lies about it.


It is tough when athletes trust their doctors. It is different than a friend or even a trainer say something is alright to take. Still, being an athlete in a sport that frequently tests for PEDs, you should be asking the people at your hotel bringing you roomservice what the ingredients are in your meal. OK, that is over kill, but you get the point. Someone who has grown like Overeem, and has been suspected of doping, should be extra careful.


That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. That ranks up there with saying that you were misquoted in your own book. It's insulting that he would even offer that as the reason. I think this is going to backfire on him because you know UFC officials are going to be even more upset about Overeem using such a lame excuse. Metta World Peace thinks that's a dumb explanation.


Theres only two takes to have; either he's an idiot for not asking what was in his medicine or he didn't care. Either one can factor out to be true but it makes Overeem look silly either way. Why would the "most tested fighter" just take any old medication that was prescribed to him? It really exposes a lot of truths about how Alistair really got to where he is now physically. Personally I've been on anti-inflammatory's for 17 years - and not one has contained testosterone.


All of these excuses are beginning to sound the same. Know what's going into your body. If something's not right, it's your fault. Take your suspension and deal with whatever direction public opinion goes.


Does anyone remember him missing his test earlier? I seem to remember him using his mother's illness as an excuse to miss out on a test. He has not been telling us the truth for a long time and this is just one more instance of him trying to get around the rules. I think we now have proof of what many of us have suspected for years. Any other excuses he can come up with are just lame.


Overeem in my opinion is bottom feeding, looking for any reasonable to somewhat reasonable reason as to why his T/E ratio was 14:1. He got caught cheating, just like me and every other adult when we make a mistake, he needs to bow up and take his medicine. Chael Sonnen can ramble on and on all he wants, no one seriously listens to him anyway. I seriously doubt a physician would prescribe a fighter, something that would cause a 14-1 test rate. I don't believe it at all.


Alistair Overeem is an idiot who clearly thinks we are all idiots. If he thinks we're all going to believe this pathetic excuse, he's far more stupid than I ever gave him credit for. This statement convinces no one but the most credulous amongst us. His team have had weeks to prepare this response and argument and that's the best excuse they could come up with, seriously? Even yours truly, with no qualifications, or prior experience could come up better public relations response than that. I get randomly drug tested in my line of work, because of this I don't take drugs period. If I did ever get injured, thus requiring me to take medication I was unfamiliar with, what would I do? I'd do the same as any other person with half a brain cell. Logically I'd find out if the medication was acceptable to use and I'd refrain from taking it until it was cleared by a qualified expert. This is just common sense folks. If I was ever actually stupid enough to get caught taking something I shouldn't. I'd like to think I have enough morale courage to be able to hold my hands up, and admit my mistake, whilst accepting the severe consequences that would inevitably follow.


I think Stephan Bonnar likening Overeem's situation to pouring a bowl of Lucky Charms and finding a bunch of D-bol in it was the most appropriate thing anyone can say about this defense.

The old "I didn't know what I was putting in my body and my doctor is incompetent" excuse just doesn't hold any weight these days. Pretty much every athlete that gets popped these days whips out this excuse and it almost never works out. I just feel like this subject has been talked to death and I think we're all ready to move on.

[Alistair Overeem art by Grant Gould (c)]

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